
Boss called my coworker into her office yesterday to dig for information and talk badly about me

I’m almost at the 6 month employment mark at my current job, it’s been almost two weeks since I put my two weeks notice in and when asked why I was leaving I told my boss I was looking for higher pay and less hours to figure out what I’m going to be doing for academics. My time at this company was great for the most part besides being underpaid, I’m a childcare worker and I’ve always enjoyed the work I was doing as long as I wasn’t left short staffed. This being childcare though, I’ve gotten sick numerous times and always provided doctors notes for the days I missed. Yesterday I had a family emergency and wasn’t able to go into work and an interview this morning that caused me to be late (I let my boss know with advance about this interview even called after the interview to…

I’m almost at the 6 month employment mark at my current job, it’s been almost two weeks since I put my two weeks notice in and when asked why I was leaving I told my boss I was looking for higher pay and less hours to figure out what I’m going to be doing for academics. My time at this company was great for the most part besides being underpaid, I’m a childcare worker and I’ve always enjoyed the work I was doing as long as I wasn’t left short staffed. This being childcare though, I’ve gotten sick numerous times and always provided doctors notes for the days I missed. Yesterday I had a family emergency and wasn’t able to go into work and an interview this morning that caused me to be late (I let my boss know with advance about this interview even called after the interview to let them know how far out I was) When I came back into work today my coworker told me yesterday our boss called her into her office to ask if she knew why I put my two weeks notice in. She lied and told our boss no and my boss went on to say I was looking for better pay but then followed up with “maybe she would know what a full paycheck looked like if she came into work everyday” and started laughing, my coworker didn’t really engage in the conversation much but said my boss went on to say she’d had two long conversations with me about my attendance issues. Neither of these conversations about my attendance ever happened. I’m so confused on why she would lie about something like that. I also don’t understand her logic behind the “full paycheck” comment, I’m fully expecting my monthly income to decrease as I’m seeking shorter hours, I simply want a job that will pay me what I feel like my time and effort is worth hourly. It overall seems suspicious for her to be telling all this to the coworker I work the most with, as if she was instigating more issues. I’m not sure if I’m mad over this but I really can’t believe it, I feel bad for my coworkers that I’m leaving as they probably don’t know they’re also being talked about so weirdly behind their own backs. I’m just glad I’m leaving. My last day is this upcoming Tuesday, almost free.

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