
Having to punch in at your desk is awful

Sorry if this just sounds like a rant post… It's because it kind of is, but I'm hoping some people here might agree and might share some similar stories about similar punch-in systems you may have and how annoying they are. It takes me a solid 10 minutes to drive up to the top of the 8 floor parking garage to park where “I'm allowed” (which I have to pay for; also awful) Then it takes me ANOTHER 10 minutes to walk over a hallway bridge and down to where I actually work and am finally able to punch in. Because we have to punch-in at physical stations with our IDs. Which they only put close to where people are stationed to do their job. Luckily I've found one in a different department about 4 minutes closer to where I park that accepts my punches. Yaay. This awful system has…

Sorry if this just sounds like a rant post… It's because it kind of is, but I'm hoping some people here might agree and might share some similar stories about similar punch-in systems you may have and how annoying they are.

It takes me a solid 10 minutes to drive up to the top of the 8 floor parking garage to park where “I'm allowed” (which I have to pay for; also awful)

Then it takes me ANOTHER 10 minutes to walk over a hallway bridge and down to where I actually work and am finally able to punch in. Because we have to punch-in at physical stations with our IDs. Which they only put close to where people are stationed to do their job. Luckily I've found one in a different department about 4 minutes closer to where I park that accepts my punches. Yaay.

This awful system has literally made me late. Not for a lack of my own time management, I get here with enough time. But between cars, people, and elevators being slow and taking too long, it takes me so much time to reach a punch-in that it (sometimes) makes me late! When I would've been on-time, or early even, if one was close to where I park!
SO many other jobs I've had, I've just an app like Workday on my phone to punch-in with so I can punch-in when I arrive at my workplace, you know, like they're paying me to do…..

It's not like that walk from my car to my desk is my free time! But apparently our HR thinks so… Does anyone else have a struggle like this?

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