
ex boss submitted LOA request when i quit

I left work when my contract was up due to disability and pregnancy. I was very clear to my former boss that I was not returning and I was in fact quitting. He proceeded to submit a leave of absence request on my behalf anyway without my consent, and never took me off as an employee. I didn't know until I got a letter from the LOA office recently. He also made it so my leave would be up less than a month after I gave birth. Had to email the company's HR department to let them know I wouldn't be returning to work. I'm assuming he did it because he was having a massive turnover rate in employees before I left and didn't want to add another one on to it.

I left work when my contract was up due to disability and pregnancy. I was very clear to my former boss that I was not returning and I was in fact quitting. He proceeded to submit a leave of absence request on my behalf anyway without my consent, and never took me off as an employee. I didn't know until I got a letter from the LOA office recently.

He also made it so my leave would be up less than a month after I gave birth. Had to email the company's HR department to let them know I wouldn't be returning to work.

I'm assuming he did it because he was having a massive turnover rate in employees before I left and didn't want to add another one on to it.

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