
My boss doesn’t know I’m going to quit

My boss has not fully paid my month of work, he only paid 50% of the total at the beginning of July and after weeks of insisting he's finally going to pay me the rest tomorrow. I'm so fed up with his ridiculous demands and delusional goals for the school. Ss soon as the payment drops I'm telling him that I'm quitting. I'll find another job, I'll be fine. He doesn't deserve my work. Everyone deserves better. I'll update when I can.

My boss has not fully paid my month of work, he only paid 50% of the total at the beginning of July and after weeks of insisting he's finally going to pay me the rest tomorrow.

I'm so fed up with his ridiculous demands and delusional goals for the school. Ss soon as the payment drops I'm telling him that I'm quitting.

I'll find another job, I'll be fine. He doesn't deserve my work. Everyone deserves better.

I'll update when I can.

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