
My work needs supervisors. No thanks.

So I work in an assembly plant. After working in a completely different field where I had to use my college degrees to be in my field the stress almost killed me after 13 years or so. I have seen things in my life, I have been a part of the work force in one shape or form for about 24 years. This job of course sucks in multiple ways; pay is eh, hours are generally crazy, not enough pto/vacation, and it is super monotonous. The only things I like are that it has good insurance, 4% match on my 401K, and I’ve met some cool people, and I get paid for every minute of work(was salary in my former career). Sorry long but wanted some background in there. So this place has been a revolving door every since I have started. Obviously they have a hard time keeping people…

So I work in an assembly plant. After working in a completely different field where I had to use my college degrees to be in my field the stress almost killed me after 13 years or so. I have seen things in my life, I have been a part of the work force in one shape or form for about 24 years. This job of course sucks in multiple ways; pay is eh, hours are generally crazy, not enough pto/vacation, and it is super monotonous. The only things I like are that it has good insurance, 4% match on my 401K, and I’ve met some cool people, and I get paid for every minute of work(was salary in my former career). Sorry long but wanted some background in there.

So this place has been a revolving door every since I have started. Obviously they have a hard time keeping people when your often working 6-7 days a week with little notice, plus the stuff I mentioned in the background info. I have seen how this unorganized company treats it workers and supervisors. Anyone can become a supervisor of an assembly line by taking classes and taking tests. Well you may think that’s cool. No not really. For when you get the so coveted position of “supervisor” you get to come in earlier, at most make a whopping 1-2 more an hour, take on tons of extra tasks, then you also get to be “the fall guy”. I haven’t even been at this place a year yet and could be considered a veteran compared to 80% of the people I work with. Some of the younger people (late teens/early 20s) are the ones who think this will be the best thing in the world. They never seem to realize that they are just being exploited. Most who do this either quit or step down because it’s simply not worth it. Whenever anyone needs answers to this that or the other they tend to ask me more than our newest “supervisor”, then always ask “Why are you not the supervisor?” I always say it’s not worth it to me. As someone who has dealt with “the man” in many forms over the years I know bs when I see it. I want to help some of these younger people realize this but I feel like I am raining on their parade. Then they get fed up and quit, or get suspended for some arbitrary reason because they don’t realize they are the fall guy until it’s too late.

Sorry this was long. I just hate how we are nothing more than cannon fodder for these corporations. I hate how young people going into the workforce are signing up to work at places that prey on these younger employees, or any employee, just so the actual management can always have someone to blame for their bad organization, ever changing policies, and them using cheaper parts that don’t work right for our products.

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