
HR says you must wait 3 days to go to doctor to be eligible for workers comp

Is this standard practice? One of my coworkers got injured on the job and they told her to go home, rest, and go to urgent care the next day. She’s had multiple appointments at the clinic and PT yet she spoke to our health services division about being compensated and they told her that she has to wait 3 days to go to the doctor in order to be paid workers comp during times where she is at appointments and time missed for this injury. I have a feeling this is not normal. What happens if there is a serious emergency and you have to go to the ER immediately? So this persons serious injury healthcare won’t be covered by their workplace because they required immediate medical attention? Please if you have any insight let me know.

Is this standard practice? One of my coworkers got injured on the job and they told her to go home, rest, and go to urgent care the next day. She’s had multiple appointments at the clinic and PT yet she spoke to our health services division about being compensated and they told her that she has to wait 3 days to go to the doctor in order to be paid workers comp during times where she is at appointments and time missed for this injury. I have a feeling this is not normal. What happens if there is a serious emergency and you have to go to the ER immediately? So this persons serious injury healthcare won’t be covered by their workplace because they required immediate medical attention? Please if you have any insight let me know.

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