
It’s time for a nationwide strike of all employees from every job. (USA)

We are all broke, tired, stressed, demoralized and fed up. Teachers are leaving for Walmart jobs, the average American does not make enough money to put any into savings. CEO pay has skyrocketed while we are all being stripped of our financial security, our futures and our dreams of having families and owning homes. We are demonized in the media for NoT wAnTiNg To WoRk when there is less and less incentive to do so. Companies are saying they want people who are in it for more than the money but fail to understand THATS THE ONLY REASON ANYONE WORKS. Our leaders our ineffective in their roles and our government is deadlocked from the two party system. Our country is starting to crack and it’s because of the greed of Wall Street. The richest men in the world like Elon Musk are decrying our work ethic because we aren’t willing…

We are all broke, tired, stressed, demoralized and fed up. Teachers are leaving for Walmart jobs, the average American does not make enough money to put any into savings. CEO pay has skyrocketed while we are all being stripped of our financial security, our futures and our dreams of having families and owning homes. We are demonized in the media for NoT wAnTiNg To WoRk when there is less and less incentive to do so. Companies are saying they want people who are in it for more than the money but fail to understand THATS THE ONLY REASON ANYONE WORKS. Our leaders our ineffective in their roles and our government is deadlocked from the two party system. Our country is starting to crack and it’s because of the greed of Wall Street. The richest men in the world like Elon Musk are decrying our work ethic because we aren’t willing to work like the abused factory workers in China. What reason do we have for living this life? Why should anyone be happy or even have hope in this system? We need change but I don’t believe in using violence to enact it which is why I’m calling for this strike. Nobody should work until things are fixed and balance is restored. Our communities should come together and combine resources to survive the strike. We need community gardens and to find ways to provide and support each other more. Our government and career overlords are not going to help us. This is on us. We must do something before it’s to late. I fear for the countries future and believe that violence is coming if society continues to allow our collective anger to build much longer. I want to be proud of being an American but don’t think that we have any reason to be anymore.

Before it’s to late let’s give the world a resounding message that we the people deserve to live in dignity and without fear of our futures and our families futures.

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