
Tired of crappy workplace environments

I potentially have Aspergers/HFA and am really fucking sick of how shitty some coworkers can be. Most of the younger people are nice enough but some of the “lifers” in retail can be so disgustingly cruel and petty. I know a lot of this is downstream from terrible working conditions, from the short staffing to unaccountable management to absurd penny pinching and insultingly low wages but it's frustrating to see how much of the social darwinist thinking that prevades the algorithmic dictates of capital can come to be reflected amomg those who are “the most wretched commodity” in relation to other wage laborers. Like okay, we're all stuck working in this retail shithole, why make it worse by being a little asshole? I've had an absolutely miserable life marred by abuse and mental illness and I have never got it into my head that I should abuse my coworkers for…

I potentially have Aspergers/HFA and am really fucking sick of how shitty some coworkers can be. Most of the younger people are nice enough but some of the “lifers” in retail can be so disgustingly cruel and petty.

I know a lot of this is downstream from terrible working conditions, from the short staffing to unaccountable management to absurd penny pinching and insultingly low wages but it's frustrating to see how much of the social darwinist thinking that prevades the algorithmic dictates of capital can come to be reflected amomg those who are “the most wretched commodity” in relation to other wage laborers.

Like okay, we're all stuck working in this retail shithole, why make it worse by being a little asshole? I've had an absolutely miserable life marred by abuse and mental illness and I have never got it into my head that I should abuse my coworkers for the hell of it. I saw it in the management in my last job too. Like bro you make 100k+ a year yelling at people stocking shelves, why don't you take your money, do your numbers and fuck off?

Despite my weirdass cold and standoffish demeanor I have always tried to treat everyone with some respect…why make the world worse?

It's frustrating knowing that our entire model for labor is designed to bring out the worst in people and to be forced into it pretty much against your will.

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