
better paying jobs

For all the people who rant and rave and then tell the asshole boss there are better paying jobs you could get so very easily why are you staying at a lower paying jobs ? Honestly your just hurting yourself and please don't say it's about your “work family” and I can't leave my coworkers like bro come the hell on they don't pay your bills you probably don't see them after you get to your car in the parking lot …just do yourself a favor leave that shity job for a better paying one

For all the people who rant and rave and then tell the asshole boss there are better paying jobs you could get so very easily why are you staying at a lower paying jobs ? Honestly your just hurting yourself and please don't say it's about your “work family” and I can't leave my coworkers like bro come the hell on they don't pay your bills you probably don't see them after you get to your car in the parking lot …just do yourself a favor leave that shity job for a better paying one

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