
Looking for ways to help my dad deal with his boss regarding health issues and wfh

So my dad works at a call center for a pretty big company I won’t name for now, and his boss is very much against wfh despite him proving that he is 100% capable of doing everything he needs to do in office and more while at home. They claim to have been accommodating by “allowing” him to wfh one day a week. Recently he’s developed some severe nosebleed issues among other already existing problems that can last for hours on end, and has been fighting for more wfh to help his health while his boss threatens to take his one day away. It’s bad enough where he has had to come home early due to it, and his boss still won’t budge. Is there any advice that I can let my dad know about that might help his situation/help him fight his boss? This is in the US btw.

So my dad works at a call center for a pretty big company I won’t name for now, and his boss is very much against wfh despite him proving that he is 100% capable of doing everything he needs to do in office and more while at home. They claim to have been accommodating by “allowing” him to wfh one day a week. Recently he’s developed some severe nosebleed issues among other already existing problems that can last for hours on end, and has been fighting for more wfh to help his health while his boss threatens to take his one day away. It’s bad enough where he has had to come home early due to it, and his boss still won’t budge. Is there any advice that I can let my dad know about that might help his situation/help him fight his boss?

This is in the US btw.

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