
Need Help With Talk Tracks on Why I Won’t Be Giving 100%+ Anymore

Some background: I like to think I’m good at my job. I work hard, take on extra work, manage people, and try to develop new processes/ways to do better and make things easier. I work as a supplier for a big company, so working directly with clients and helping develop materials to meet their business objectives. The situation: I was recently told a good chunk of my responsibility would be moving to someone else. This person is a director level, and while they have good ideas, they have zero follow-through, are unreliable, and without a doubt, don’t like me (they once talked down to me for 90+ minutes about how coming up with ideas was their job, and not mine). Leadership is aware of their issue with me, as it’s been going on for years. No one else has issues with me, but plenty have issues with them. Weird. Fine.…

Some background: I like to think I’m good at my job. I work hard, take on extra work, manage people, and try to develop new processes/ways to do better and make things easier. I work as a supplier for a big company, so working directly with clients and helping develop materials to meet their business objectives.

The situation: I was recently told a good chunk of my responsibility would be moving to someone else. This person is a director level, and while they have good ideas, they have zero follow-through, are unreliable, and without a doubt, don’t like me (they once talked down to me for 90+ minutes about how coming up with ideas was their job, and not mine). Leadership is aware of their issue with me, as it’s been going on for years. No one else has issues with me, but plenty have issues with them. Weird.

Fine. I’m going to make it very clear where the line is between what I do, and what they do. With my boss, his boss, and whoever else is involved. I have no intention of helping them beyond what the expectations are of me, or swooping in to fix any mistakes. It would be wonderful if they did a great job and kept everything moving flawlessly, but I’m not too optimistic.

Where I need your help: Even though I’m setting the expectation of what I am/am not doing, I need help with talk tracks when inevitably someone asks why I’m not being a “team player”.

I want to have several “scripts” in my back pocket as to why I’m still a team player, but won’t be wasting my energy going out of my way to help this person.

Really appreciate any insight you can provide! Thanks in advance!

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