
Universal Basic Income, is it possible?

This is a question for those who know more than me when it comes to UBI? Which countries currently have UBI? How much is it and does it really cover basic needs comfortably and with dignity? If it works in other countries what reason do other countries have to not follow in their foot steps? I’m sure taxes can be restructured in a way to make that possible. People say that it would stop people from working but I doubt it will. People will still want to buy things outside of their basic needs, hobbies, travel, leisure and social activities etc. Someone mentioned that Denmark had UBI, which I imagine is possible because they’re spending way less on military and prison systems and put that money towards UBI, which in turn reduces poverty, which reduces crime rate, which reduces the amount police need for funding, I’m guessing.A Also, if income…

This is a question for those who know more than me when it comes to UBI?

Which countries currently have UBI? How much is it and does it really cover basic needs comfortably and with dignity? If it works in other countries what reason do other countries have to not follow in their foot steps?

I’m sure taxes can be restructured in a way to make that possible. People say that it would stop people from working but I doubt it will. People will still want to buy things outside of their basic needs, hobbies, travel, leisure and social activities etc.

Someone mentioned that Denmark had UBI, which I imagine is possible because they’re spending way less on military and prison systems and put that money towards UBI, which in turn reduces poverty, which reduces crime rate, which reduces the amount police need for funding, I’m guessing.A

Also, if income for healthcare, housing and food is provided then wouldn’t capitalists who know everyone has UBI just hike up the price of housing, food and healthcare which would then force the government to pay people more to afford those basic needs. Wouldn’t that just take us back to square one if there’s no rent control, public healthcare and regulations against profiteering? I’m guessing that’s what countries like Denmark did to avoid that happening.

Could someone enlighten me. UBI seems like a really good exit strategy in theory but in reality the rich own politicians which means that it probably won’t happen. Some rich people have been advocating for it but I don’t trust a word Musk and co have to say. Is it really possible?

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