
Two weeks on the job and got plantar fasciitis from not being allowed to sit down

I know 90% of hospitality is standing all day. But this is the first company I’ve worked for that won’t allow employees to sit down, and only provide a 30min break. Initially my supervisor told me “we don’t take breaks”. Then my assistant manager said only 30 minutes, but heavily implied it would be an inconvenience because were so short staffed. Finally, after a week long of being guilted into not taking my break I began using the bar chair behind our counter when we had no one in the lobby. When my GM saw me sitting, she promptly came over and said only people with a doctors note could sit. It took everything in me to not walk out. By the end of the week I could barely walk, I broke down crying after my shift. I know I’ve been WFH for a couple years but I’ve never experienced…

I know 90% of hospitality is standing all day. But this is the first company I’ve worked for that won’t allow employees to sit down, and only provide a 30min break. Initially my supervisor told me “we don’t take breaks”. Then my assistant manager said only 30 minutes, but heavily implied it would be an inconvenience because were so short staffed. Finally, after a week long of being guilted into not taking my break I began using the bar chair behind our counter when we had no one in the lobby. When my GM saw me sitting, she promptly came over and said only people with a doctors note could sit. It took everything in me to not walk out.

By the end of the week I could barely walk, I broke down crying after my shift. I know I’ve been WFH for a couple years but I’ve never experienced pain like this from any job (nor have I been refused breaks). I come from a family of runners and when I sent them the photos of my swollen feet they confirmed it’s likely plantar fasciitis. I went out and bought expensive running shoes, and spent the next few days resting— but it’s only slightly improved.
I’ve got another 40 hour week ahead and all I can say is, I’ll be taking a sit down break every hour. If they don’t like it they can fire me. SMH

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