
Bad union?

My SIL is treated like crap at her (male dominated) job (in a mine). Her union rep is useless. Nearly impossible to get ahold of, doesn’t follow up with anything or contact her with issues being resolved or not. Is there anything she can do? Can she complain to someone higher in the union? Is there a union oversight committee or anything? She has seniority (been there 8 years) but she’s always given the worst hours while new hires get the hours they ask for, she’s passed over time and again for advancement, she got Covid and got in trouble for missing work even though she’s only missed like 3 weeks in 8 years and that was to give birth. She’s never late, never takes vacations, is the only one not to miss a day during the “everyone works everyday for a month” yearly catch-up. She does a job that…

My SIL is treated like crap at her (male dominated) job (in a mine). Her union rep is useless. Nearly impossible to get ahold of, doesn’t follow up with anything or contact her with issues being resolved or not. Is there anything she can do? Can she complain to someone higher in the union? Is there a union oversight committee or anything? She has seniority (been there 8 years) but she’s always given the worst hours while new hires get the hours they ask for, she’s passed over time and again for advancement, she got Covid and got in trouble for missing work even though she’s only missed like 3 weeks in 8 years and that was to give birth. She’s never late, never takes vacations, is the only one not to miss a day during the “everyone works everyday for a month” yearly catch-up. She does a job that most of the men out there can’t/won’t do. She’s sexually harassed daily and it’s all starting to really affect her. This is the highest paying job around so she can’t just go get another one. Any advice on getting the union to do better?

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