
Home Depot

Just wanted to take a minute, coming up on one year of being done working at HD. A company that gives award Homer patches for basic goddamn customer service skills, for telling someone who works in a parking lot that they shouldn't be standing around… this one time I had a concussion from work and they didn't want me to get it checked out… or a time where I needed surgery to remove a kidney stone, a week off with a cath, and the hospital said be ready early morning in case we can move up your time… my Hr at the time HR was like, you can come in the morning of, right? I literally ignored him and went home after my shift. Next day, week off began, no work, surgery early. A week later, back at work, no hello, no hey how are you feeling, just a pompous…

Just wanted to take a minute, coming up on one year of being done working at HD.

A company that gives award Homer patches for basic goddamn customer service skills, for telling someone who works in a parking lot that they shouldn't be standing around… this one time I had a concussion from work and they didn't want me to get it checked out… or a time where I needed surgery to remove a kidney stone, a week off with a cath, and the hospital said be ready early morning in case we can move up your time… my Hr at the time HR was like, you can come in the morning of, right? I literally ignored him and went home after my shift. Next day, week off began, no work, surgery early. A week later, back at work, no hello, no hey how are you feeling, just a pompous “i thought i told you to come in before your surgery?”

Oh and another time when I was telling a coworker outside I didn't need their help if they wanted to gather carts inside the store. But the HR guy was again like nah i gave him a directive.

Fuck Home Depot dude. Fuck it.

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