
I was ghosted before my Zoom interview

This happened a few hours ago, but I had a second video interview scheduled for this afternoon. Everything before this second interview had gone really well and there was no indications of red flags prior to this happening. I opened up my Zoom interview 15 min early, sat in the “waiting for meeting” window and started preparing for my interview. My interview time rolls around and no one shows up (this isn't unusual for me, as I have had interviewers show up a few min late from meetings, bathroom break, etc.). At 10 min past my interview time, I send them a quick message, saying that I was ready when they are. Then 20 min rolls around, then 30 minutes. I send them an email and follow up message, but received no response. I ended up waiting for a full hour before leaving the meeting just in case. I also…

This happened a few hours ago, but I had a second video interview scheduled for this afternoon. Everything before this second interview had gone really well and there was no indications of red flags prior to this happening. I opened up my Zoom interview 15 min early, sat in the “waiting for meeting” window and started preparing for my interview.

My interview time rolls around and no one shows up (this isn't unusual for me, as I have had interviewers show up a few min late from meetings, bathroom break, etc.). At 10 min past my interview time, I send them a quick message, saying that I was ready when they are. Then 20 min rolls around, then 30 minutes. I send them an email and follow up message, but received no response. I ended up waiting for a full hour before leaving the meeting just in case.

I also sent them a couple screenshots and an email, I also dropped my phone number in the email, and made sure to double check the interview time so I wouldn't look dumb. My emails and calls were left unanswered and no one has responded as of yet. I am pretty bummed about the experience, but feel that it is a sign to move on and keep pushing forward.

If they found a candidate that they liked or they were experiencing a technical issue, that's totally cool, but at least let us know before you go and blow us off out of nowhere.

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