
Karma is (kind of) on my side

Sharing here cause I don’t really have others who will share my excitement at the irony I’m going through. Hoping someone here will find it as satisfying as I do. I work at a non profit as a family therapist in child welfare. I have been doing this for 3 years (quite the record if you know anything about child welfare employees). I am pregnant (first child) and required some accommodations to do my job without risking the baby (limiting driving, as I usually drive 100+ miles a day, and limiting exposure to harmful substances). A former coworker of mine was accommodated in this way less than a year ago, so I had no reason to think this would be an issue. Doctor filled out ADA paperwork, then job declined to accommodate, citing “undue burden” and “changing needs”. That’s obviously BS, as like I said, I’ve been doing this exact…

Sharing here cause I don’t really have others who will share my excitement at the irony I’m going through. Hoping someone here will find it as satisfying as I do.

I work at a non profit as a family therapist in child welfare. I have been doing this for 3 years (quite the record if you know anything about child welfare employees).

I am pregnant (first child) and required some accommodations to do my job without risking the baby (limiting driving, as I usually drive 100+ miles a day, and limiting exposure to harmful substances). A former coworker of mine was accommodated in this way less than a year ago, so I had no reason to think this would be an issue. Doctor filled out ADA paperwork, then job declined to accommodate, citing “undue burden” and “changing needs”. That’s obviously BS, as like I said, I’ve been doing this exact job for 3 years and absolutely nothing has changed with the job itself.

Instead of risking me and my baby, I chose to quit instead (I was going to be a SAHM for at least a year after birth anyways). Due to the nature of my work, I am required to give a 30 day notice, instead of the more common 2 weeks. Based on this, my last day of work should have been August 29. My direct supervisor agreed to this date, but then HR (who have been absolutely atrocious throughout all this, and literally asked me if I could “survive” during FMLA considering it was unpaid) said that due to my previously scheduled and approved PTO (a week that has been on the books since February for a wedding out of town), I have to work an additional week to meet the 30 day notice requirement. Pretty shitty, but I want them to pay out the remaining PTO I have accumulated, so I have to comply with the appropriate notice. We agreed my last day will be September 6 (to make them pay me for Labor Day at least).

Today, a letter shows up in my mailbox. I am being summoned for jury duty on August 30 (as in the day after what should have been my last day). Now I won’t be working that day anyways, and my job has to pay for it (company policy). Sure, I could excuse myself due to pregnancy, but I would literally rather sit in a courthouse all day than work an extra day at this job, so jury duty it is!

I can’t help but feel like the universe is helping me give this job a middle finger on my way out

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