
Boss asks me to stay, gets mad when I politely decline

I worked at a pizza place during my senior year of college. For context, I was an RA for 3 years but it was never enough to pay my monthly tuition payments so I got a second job at this pizza place. It was run by people I knew and liked, and it was a good enough job I guess. But it was April of my senior year and I was applying for jobs for post-graduation. My boss was aware of this, and even gave me the day off a couple of times to attend interviews. So it's not like she didn't know I was leaving after graduation. So I applied to the place I'm working now, basically a nonprofit organization that helps displaced kids from other countries who are seeking asylum get connected with family members within the US. It's a really good program, and the facility I applied…

I worked at a pizza place during my senior year of college. For context, I was an RA for 3 years but it was never enough to pay my monthly tuition payments so I got a second job at this pizza place. It was run by people I knew and liked, and it was a good enough job I guess. But it was April of my senior year and I was applying for jobs for post-graduation. My boss was aware of this, and even gave me the day off a couple of times to attend interviews. So it's not like she didn't know I was leaving after graduation.

So I applied to the place I'm working now, basically a nonprofit organization that helps displaced kids from other countries who are seeking asylum get connected with family members within the US. It's a really good program, and the facility I applied for took in kids that spoke the same language that I majored in for my bachelor's. It was perfect. Long story short, I got the job. A few days later manager was being friendly and asked me how my job search was going. I told her about the awesome job and how excited I was, told her how perfect the odd hours were for my sleep schedule, and how excited I am to work with kids that will help me practice my language skills, told her I would be getting like, $5/hour above my state's minimum wage with a guaranteed increase every year. Told her that this was basically my dream job.

So imagine my surprise when she summons all of the audacity within her and says “What if instead, you stayed here and I put you full-time on the night shift. It's still minimum wage, but you would make hella tips!” I laughed about it at first, but then she stiffened up and said “no, I'm serious!” I was blown away that she could genuinely think I would accept that. I said “well, this job gives me benefits like dental and medical and stuff.” She deflated a little bit and said “oh well I can't get you that” and kinda pouted a little. And not in a playful way, like she was dead serious
I just said “No offense or anything, but I didn't just work my ass off for four years of college and graduate with a double major to work at a pizza place for the rest of my life.”

She was a little more curt with me after that and for the next few weeks after that until I put my two weeks in. Every so often she would bring it up again and try to negotiate with me. She acted like it was all in jest, but she was just a little too serious about it for my liking. Now I've been working at this nonprofit for a little over a year, so obviously I didn't stay lol. I've had my own share of issues with this place, but that's a different story.

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