
Boss doesn’t want to call anybody but me on my DAYS OFF

I work as a receptionist at a company that does appointments for clients. We're respected in our area and have a high demand. We often get calls asking for work done within two weeks and have to tell them they can either book further out, get on a waitlist, or call back another time. Sometimes our workers have days off, as any law abiding job does. But sometimes, after getting these days off, they request to get appointments anyways. It seems silly to me, but I don't judge. As long as they know they have work to do we give it to them. Well, our worker, Blank, had one of those types of days. 3 clients, and a time block noting she was cleared to not come in. I was told by a fellow receptionist here that she approved to get appointments scheduled that day, and thus the other receptionist…

I work as a receptionist at a company that does appointments for clients. We're respected in our area and have a high demand. We often get calls asking for work done within two weeks and have to tell them they can either book further out, get on a waitlist, or call back another time.

Sometimes our workers have days off, as any law abiding job does. But sometimes, after getting these days off, they request to get appointments anyways. It seems silly to me, but I don't judge. As long as they know they have work to do we give it to them.

Well, our worker, Blank, had one of those types of days. 3 clients, and a time block noting she was cleared to not come in. I was told by a fellow receptionist here that she approved to get appointments scheduled that day, and thus the other receptionist scheduled them there, so I left them alone.

The TL;DR of part 1 is that we're a popular place, it's hard to get appointments, and sometimes workers accommodate that by coming in on days off if they feel like it, even days they requested off. And we have one of those coming up.

So, recently I changed my availability so that I wasn't working Mondays. I made it well known that I am in college and I took the day off for study time. I now have a 3 day weekend and am studying my tail off. I also let it be known that I have my final coming up soon, tomorrow (Wednesday 8/3).

My boss starts texting me around noon asking questions about the schedule, particularly about Blank and their schedule. No pictures, no context, just “What's up with (client)'s appointment?” At the moment I felt like answering, so I asked for clarification. Instead of a picture of the appointment or context on what it was, she tells me,”on Blank's schedule. Wednesday.” I end up giving her a braindead, simple “I guess it's okay. leave it where it is,” and she asks me about another client. Please remember, I didn't schedule those items, our other receptionist did, and thus I would have 0 chance in Heaven or Hell of knowing the exacts of the situations. By this point I'm annoyed, as I made it known I am studying and it's my day off. I ask that she call the person completing the appointment and/or the client to get clarification and you know what she tells me?

“I dont want to [call them], just tell me what you know”

??? What the fuck am I supposed to know? I schedule 20 appointments a day, and those appointments were all made weeks ago, I dont know anything! Let alone about THOSe appointments since I DIDNT FUCKING MAKE THEM!!!!!! The only people who would are gonna be visible when you click the damn appointment!

I try and ignore her the second time she asks about an appointment and she fucking CALLS ME. I know it's not the end of the world but Jesus Christ, why does she feel she has the right to nose her way in to my day off over her wanting to put 0 effort in to her job as THE BOSS. Again I give her the braindead confirmations on the dogs I have no knowledge of and she finally leaves me alone.

She's done this before too where she expects me to have a perfect memory of phone calls and clients from weeks or months ago. And I dont yet have the balls to tell her “How am I supposed to remember anything? That was a long time ago by now.” Not only that but she's the anti-college type, too. I hate higher education, it frustrates me, but I'm going through with it anyways. And she keeps telling me when it comes up,”I don't see the point in it. Why waste that much money on college? I get by fine without it.” That's your life, ma'am, I want to gain a higher education and do PART TIME work, thank you very much. I can't help but feel like it'll be her fault if I do bad on my exam since she was intentionally interrupting my known study time for her laziness. That maybe she's trying to make me fail so I'll be stuck being some shitty minimum-wage slave all my life, just below people like her.

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