
There’s a “worker shortage”, but nobody wants part-time or seasonal work

This is just a vent post, but I’m so sick of the “nobody wants to work” rhetoric. I’m a college student and spent my entire summer applying to jobs and begging for work. I ended up house sitting for a few family members, but in the end made about $800 all summer long; most of which went to paying for gas, insurance, and other necessities. By the end of the summer I’ll have maybe $400 in my checking about, which doesn’t seem bad, except for the latest problem I’ve had. I’m autistic and opted to buy out my dorm room. I shared a dorm room last semester, and even though they were great, I almost went insane being in such close quarters with no escape from stimulation. Well, for some reason my loans didn’t account for my extra dorm cost, so now I owe $1100 out of pocket for that…

This is just a vent post, but I’m so sick of the “nobody wants to work” rhetoric. I’m a college student and spent my entire summer applying to jobs and begging for work. I ended up house sitting for a few family members, but in the end made about $800 all summer long; most of which went to paying for gas, insurance, and other necessities.

By the end of the summer I’ll have maybe $400 in my checking about, which doesn’t seem bad, except for the latest problem I’ve had. I’m autistic and opted to buy out my dorm room. I shared a dorm room last semester, and even though they were great, I almost went insane being in such close quarters with no escape from stimulation. Well, for some reason my loans didn’t account for my extra dorm cost, so now I owe $1100 out of pocket for that amongst technology fees, etc. And I can’t find employment!

I’ve been applying to job after job in my college town, on and off campus, and I’ve only gotten an interview for one. I’m at a loss, I honestly don’t know what to do. It seems like my sign to just throw in the towel on my college career.

If anybody has any advice, I’m all ears! I worked a job last semester and could’ve continued it this semester, but they treated me horribly, ignored my availability, and berated me for not covering other peoples shifts (even if I had class).

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