
2 months have passed

Long time lurker and big supporter of work reform. I was a technician for a company for a number of years working up the skill to be the best I can at my job. Took every opportunity to learn, absorb angry customers, teaching fellow staff as much as I could in the hopes of making everyone's day better, and easier. This company did not pay well per se but expected everything out of you. Certain people had longer leashes and I'm sure everyone has a shared experience of this in their respected fields. The thought crosses your mind “why am I expected to do ABC and they just reap the benefits for half the work and equal or greater pay than me?” 2 months ago I was let go. It really made me feel like a number. Less than human. Not for the company but of this world. The company…

Long time lurker and big supporter of work reform. I was a technician for a company for a number of years working up the skill to be the best I can at my job. Took every opportunity to learn, absorb angry customers, teaching fellow staff as much as I could in the hopes of making everyone's day better, and easier. This company did not pay well per se but expected everything out of you. Certain people had longer leashes and I'm sure everyone has a shared experience of this in their respected fields. The thought crosses your mind “why am I expected to do ABC and they just reap the benefits for half the work and equal or greater pay than me?” 2 months ago I was let go. It really made me feel like a number. Less than human. Not for the company but of this world. The company still uses my name and face 2 months later for technical service/help on their website and I built amazing relationships with the vast majority of our customers who I will dearly miss the conversations. Somedays people would pour their heart and emotions to me i enjoyed knowing maybe i was a therapist to someone and i may have brightened their day just that little bit they needed I watched people get upset over “how are we going to pay for this repair and put food on the table” I assured them I could help with cost and days I could I did. Never stealing from the company, but giving my own money, doing the right thing morally in my mind. They won't receive that treatment anymore, because I gave my all mentally physically and emotionally. That doesn't net you company profits. That's why losing a job can hurt. I don't care what the name on the shirt says, I just want people/customers to feel like people not devoid of self worth. Whether it means letting them vent to me laugh, cry, yell. If you feel better I already feel like I did my job. Unfortunately there's no money in being genuine. The place didn't value any employee that was worth more than they could pay so on behalf of me and former employees, I hope the walls crumble in and you get to feel what could I have done to be better. Thank you

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