
Failed promises from my job

I’m so god damn pissed right now, so I started my job 3 months ago. My mom had a friend that hired me and my cousin for this role at the company she works at. She told me when I started at 90 days, I’d be getting a raise. She promises at 90 days, they’d be giving me a raise. She all of a sudden disappeared, she had a lot of personal issues and such, so she took time off. Come yesterday and the owners son took over her spot, so I’m assuming they fired her. But yesterday I had my 90 day review for a raise, I was excited that I’ll start making more. They get to talking and stuff and before I could mention my raise; he started talking about it. He said he knew that my previous supervisor promised me a raise at 90 days, and even…

I’m so god damn pissed right now, so I started my job 3 months ago. My mom had a friend that hired me and my cousin for this role at the company she works at. She told me when I started at 90 days, I’d be getting a raise. She promises at 90 days, they’d be giving me a raise.

She all of a sudden disappeared, she had a lot of personal issues and such, so she took time off. Come yesterday and the owners son took over her spot, so I’m assuming they fired her. But yesterday I had my 90 day review for a raise, I was excited that I’ll start making more. They get to talking and stuff and before I could mention my raise; he started talking about it.

He said he knew that my previous supervisor promised me a raise at 90 days, and even acknowledged that I was promised a raise at 90 days. This stupid mother fucker said he will not be giving me a raise because that’s not how he’s gonna run things and wants us to “earn” our raises and not expect them. And he said to act as if I was just starting and in another 90 days, we’d do another review for a raise. This mother fucker has the AUDACITY to say that he’d be more than happy to give me a $1 raise if I show progress.

And towards the end of the meeting, he even said me and my cousin are killing it and our state are really good but won’t give us a raise. My coworker started at $25/hr. While me and my cousin started at $21/hr. They continue to lie, my manager said he’d buy lunch for me if I was able to hit a certain stat. I hit it and he never mentioned the lunch again. I fucking hate this company.

If anyone wants to bombard them with shitty reviews, I’d be more than happy to provide the company name. The owners son even said “I’m not trying to hate on your previous supervisor.” But then proceeds to say “but she was a shitty fucking manager, I’m here to clean up her mess.”

TLDR; I was promised a raise at 90 days from my company, the owners son came in as new acting supervisor and said I won’t be getting a raise.

I’m so fucking angry, I’m gonna continue to do the absolute minimum.

Thanks for hearing my rant.

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