
1 Month Notice

In my line of work, it is professional obligation to give 1-2 months of notice before leaving. I have already found another job, starting in less than 6 weeks. I want to give notice, BUT my last co-worker, whom I respected and was a great asset to this small company, was “let go” when he gave his 1 month notice. What do I do? My conscience is killing me, but I am afraid I will get let go the second I give notice and I have a family to think of. If I leave without notice, this little business will fall partially apart. But this is the kind of workplace this is, and part of the reason I am leaving. Too much fear. The boss gives me freedom and I have brought and kept a lot of business for her. What do you guys think? (BTW I live in ID…

In my line of work, it is professional obligation to give 1-2 months of notice before leaving. I have already found another job, starting in less than 6 weeks. I want to give notice, BUT my last co-worker, whom I respected and was a great asset to this small company, was “let go” when he gave his 1 month notice. What do I do? My conscience is killing me, but I am afraid I will get let go the second I give notice and I have a family to think of. If I leave without notice, this little business will fall partially apart. But this is the kind of workplace this is, and part of the reason I am leaving. Too much fear. The boss gives me freedom and I have brought and kept a lot of business for her. What do you guys think? (BTW I live in ID a right to work state and I don't think I'd qualify for unemployment)

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