
I just want a life

I went to school for 6 years. BBA & MBA. Can't find a job over 65k. I enjoy my job as much as one could, but I just hate having a job. I've gained weight since I'm now just sitting at a desk, and I don't have time to do anything I want. I feel bad going to the gym when my dog just sits at home all day. I don't ever have time to dive into a hobby because I'm either doing laundry or just mentally decompressing from the day. My student loans didn't seem bad when I took them on, but given how expensive the world is, it's become a major stressor in my life. I was always promised I'd be able to find a job that pays at least 30k more than what I'm making. I don't know if it's the market or me, but that doesn't…

I went to school for 6 years. BBA & MBA. Can't find a job over 65k. I enjoy my job as much as one could, but I just hate having a job. I've gained weight since I'm now just sitting at a desk, and I don't have time to do anything I want. I feel bad going to the gym when my dog just sits at home all day. I don't ever have time to dive into a hobby because I'm either doing laundry or just mentally decompressing from the day. My student loans didn't seem bad when I took them on, but given how expensive the world is, it's become a major stressor in my life. I was always promised I'd be able to find a job that pays at least 30k more than what I'm making. I don't know if it's the market or me, but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. I just want to be able to sleep in a little bit, go for a walk with my dog, hit the gym, and spend a few hours doing something I genuinly want to do. I'm becoming grumpy and sedintary.

Why does my life have to be squeezed in after work hours? Why are people so happy to work their life away? I dream daily about winning just enough money to cover my debt, and marrying a man with a fruitful career, and taking care of the home and children. That sounds way more rewarding than emails and interviews all fucking day. I'm losing myself to the corporate world and I can't afford to leave. I hate it here.

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