
Employer compared depression to gout

So yeah, a previous employer had basically been hanging the sword of Damocles over me for telling them “this isn’t really what you were advertising” after three months in a role. Suddenly, they began finding ‘mistakes’ in my work at a time where I was going through my first ever major breakup. Inevitably the stress of my personal life and professional life caused some pretty bad depression meaning I had to take some time off. When I returned my manager called me into a meeting, and starts telling me about how im contractually obliged to keep myself healthy whether it be mentally or physically for the company, and proceeded to compare my depression (which had gotten that bad I’d had to be hospitalised twice due to panic attacks about losing my flat/livelihood) to him having gout, and the things he does so he doesn’t get flare ups and miss work.…

So yeah, a previous employer had basically been hanging the sword of Damocles over me for telling them “this isn’t really what you were advertising” after three months in a role. Suddenly, they began finding ‘mistakes’ in my work at a time where I was going through my first ever major breakup. Inevitably the stress of my personal life and professional life caused some pretty bad depression meaning I had to take some time off.

When I returned my manager called me into a meeting, and starts telling me about how im contractually obliged to keep myself healthy whether it be mentally or physically for the company, and proceeded to compare my depression (which had gotten that bad I’d had to be hospitalised twice due to panic attacks about losing my flat/livelihood) to him having gout, and the things he does so he doesn’t get flare ups and miss work.

I instantly got signed off with stress for the rest of the week, went back in a week later and quit on the spot – best decision of my life.

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