I came up through the company that I'm currently working at and have recently been promoted to supervisor position of about 25 people.
My goal since day one has been to treat people like humans and most importantly to be a supervisor that I would want to work for.
This mind set has gotten me “talked to” from my superior a few times mainly because when I'm leading my team – I'm right there with them. The hardest tasks, I start them first and then ease the team into it.
I've been told by my leaders that I should step back and only supervise and not actually help but to me that is not acceptable. I'm getting paid more than my team, why should I expect them to do more work than me?
I feel like this attitude has earned my teams respect more as I'm told frequently how nice it is to work for me and that means I'm doing my job.
I've worked for some horrible people in the past and I never want to turn into that type of leader. I'd step down before that