
No more temp staff but making it impossible to get hired on?

This is going to be more of a rant. Obligatory on mobile I've been working at my current job for about 6 months now, and I was hired through a temp agency for $18/hour. It's really, really good considering I live in Tennessee and they still go by federal minimum. About three months in they said they were getting bought out by someone and would no longer be hiring through temp staff agencies, and we would be changing for three shifts 7 days a week, to two shifts of 10 hours mon-thurs and two 12 hour shifts Fri-sun, plus a raise to make up for the massive hour cut. I was supposed to be brought up to $20.25/hour for weekend day shift until they finished processing me being hired on them raised another 50¢. It's been two months on this new shift and that has yet to happen. I've been…

This is going to be more of a rant. Obligatory on mobile

I've been working at my current job for about 6 months now, and I was hired through a temp agency for $18/hour. It's really, really good considering I live in Tennessee and they still go by federal minimum. About three months in they said they were getting bought out by someone and would no longer be hiring through temp staff agencies, and we would be changing for three shifts 7 days a week, to two shifts of 10 hours mon-thurs and two 12 hour shifts Fri-sun, plus a raise to make up for the massive hour cut.

I was supposed to be brought up to $20.25/hour for weekend day shift until they finished processing me being hired on them raised another 50¢. It's been two months on this new shift and that has yet to happen. I've been working almost half the hours at the same rate and barely make enough to pay for everything if I skimp on food and gas.

But to be hired on, they wanted me to print out multiple packets of paperwork, full them out, and scan them back into send to them. Then they wanted me to schedule my drug test and physical, and print out more paperwork for that. I was using the work computer to print it out and they agreed to allow me to turn it in instead of scanning it.

Now, to input my direct deposit information, I must complete it on a computer but the sites will not open on the computers at work (these computers are supposed to only be used for printing out shipping labels). I've still not gotten a raise like I was promised, they're telling me I need another physical for more proof I can work, and they called me this morning to tell me my drug test was “invalid” but did not provide a reason why. They agreed to let me take another drug test, with supervision, but it has to be tomorrow morning before 12, and I must do the packet of paperwork again before the appointment (which took me an hour to do before, plus the testing site it about an hour and a half away), yet I again do not have access to a printer since I do not work today or tomorrow.

They also said THEY would set up the appointment this time, but they've yet to send me my appointment time even though it has been 10 hours and I know she (the HR lady I've been talking to) has left already.

I'm getting really fed up with all the hoops they want me to jump through, though I know it's not as bad as other places it's still frustrating. Am I being whiny about this or does this seem off?

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