
My parents are my bosses and are watching me and my partner flounder while taking vacations

I've worked for my parents for around a decade, having left to another city three years ago and coming back during the height of covid due to that plus a debilitating injury my partner suffered in his last job (his job was high-paying for us and was the reason for the move). He's still out of work and hoping to see a specialist soon to help deal with his problem. He's very eager to get back to work! My job involves a small commission which means my wage fluctuates somewhat. With a downturn in business over the last four months or so me and my partner are finding it even harder to survive our bare-bones lifestyle with my one income. I appreciate my parents a lot for what they've done for me, including giving me my job back when returning to town. What I don't like is the overarching feeling…

I've worked for my parents for around a decade, having left to another city three years ago and coming back during the height of covid due to that plus a debilitating injury my partner suffered in his last job (his job was high-paying for us and was the reason for the move). He's still out of work and hoping to see a specialist soon to help deal with his problem. He's very eager to get back to work!

My job involves a small commission which means my wage fluctuates somewhat. With a downturn in business over the last four months or so me and my partner are finding it even harder to survive our bare-bones lifestyle with my one income.

I appreciate my parents a lot for what they've done for me, including giving me my job back when returning to town. What I don't like is the overarching feeling that I'm an employee first and a son second, and feeling like my financial desperation is going over their head. I was assured by them that my severe depressive episodes were not due to money problems…. I'd almost agree except that I can't get out of this funk while I'm watching our bills outpace my earnings.

Seeing the writing on the wall I'm searching for other work, but all the while my parents are living exactly like bosses would; anticipating their next vacation (they just came back from a week long cruise and are travellers ng for another week and a half at the end of this month) while expressing mild sympathy for the plight of their workers (like me).

Thanks for letting me rant!!! It's been driving me mental (perhaps literally!)

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