I got a job in my field about 3 months ago after recently graduating. My supervisor got fired a month into my employment, and after that I had to work 60+ hour weeks to meet insane deadlines that the project manager had been scheduling. I worked through 2 supervisor changes, constantly swapping between day and night shift and consistent 12+ hour days and today, when we finally wrapped up a lot of these projects, I got laid off. They said it was due to restructuring and that the company’s finances didn’t permit as many employees as they had hired, and to complete my shift today and turn in my things at the end of day. They wanted me to come in and work 12 hours when they fired me 2 hours before I was scheduled to be there. This company spit me up and chewed me out, this was supposed to be a good opportunity for me and now I’m afraid to struggle my way into another job.