So this lady got hired at my job in like summer 2021 and was an absolute nightmare. Hounding people, having other workers act as spies to report to her about what other people are doing, etc. multiple people have left because of her. she said to one guy “i don’t know how you are comfortable working less than 40hrs, you must sell drugs or something outside of work.”
We are in different departments so our paths never really crossed…until a few weeks ago.
I’m 26(f) in a fairly good position, and get along well with everyone. I don’t need to be told what to do everyday, and my manager is confident in letting me handle the floor while he handles the more administrative tasks. My manager flew down south to visit our other location. while he’s gone, she’s coming up to me talking about my weight, my appearance (i have kidney issues so my dark circles have their days) how much i make, and making snarky comments like how “i don’t understand why emails are sent at 10pm because i don’t have a good position” and so on. she literally almost brought me to tears while i was eating, and was badgering me to do tasks i’m not supposed to do. the last straw was her telling people i NEED to communicate with not to talk to me, not to even enter my area in general. i went to her boss/HR on like thursday last week, and today she was let go. everyone is super happy, the energy in the building changed immediately and things were smooth the rest of the day.
i’m relieved, and i know i wasn’t the only complaint on her, but i was definitely the straw that broke the camels back. why do i still feel somewhat guilty even though i did the right thing?