
Empathy supreme :D

I went on sick leave due to depression/boreout and plan to stay there long term as I am not well ( fortunately it's legal and valid in my country). Manager's stand in calls me up after being off for 2 days. I did not have high expectations and initially did not want to pick up the call, but curiosity got the better of me. The conversation is as follows: Me in megadepressed voice: Hi. Him: Hi, I see you called in sick… how are you feeling? Me: Depressed. Him: Oh, that's not good….I guess….. *awkward silence* Him: Do you know how long will it last? Me: Hah…what…my emotions don't come with a timer? Him, awkwardly, stammering: Oh, okay, your emotions don't come with a timer…huh… well…you know it's just…sudden Me, scoffing in an angsty manner silently: Sudden. I've been literally letting everyone know. Giving one word answers in meetings. Not…

I went on sick leave due to depression/boreout and plan to stay there long term as I am not well ( fortunately it's legal and valid in my country).

Manager's stand in calls me up after being off for 2 days. I did not have high expectations and initially did not want to pick up the call, but curiosity got the better of me. The conversation is as follows:

Me in megadepressed voice: Hi.
Him: Hi, I see you called in sick… how are you feeling?
Me: Depressed.
Him: Oh, that's not good….I guess…..
*awkward silence*
Him: Do you know how long will it last?
Me: Hah…what…my emotions don't come with a timer?
Him, awkwardly, stammering: Oh, okay, your emotions don't come with a timer…huh… well…you know it's just…sudden
Me, scoffing in an angsty manner silently: Sudden. I've been literally letting everyone know. Giving one word answers in meetings. Not engaging in anything social, stopped trying, but nobody noticed and it's sudden.
Him, interrupting me in a panicked way, scared of conflict: Okay, okay, I understand.

Then he just proceeded to talk about nothing, basically how the manager will call me, yadda yadda, repeating himself.

I understand that him asking about why I'm depressed could be some sort of privacy breach or something, but so is “How long will it last?” so… he could have at least said some courtesy phrase, but no “Is there anything I can do?” (to which I would answer no, but it would at least make it seem like the person is putting in effort) or “I'm sorry you feel this way” or anything.

I've been working here for 3 years and they don't notice/care even when I shove it in their faces. Truly just a number. Like woooowww….

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