
Should I confront my ex boss?

I’m a female software engineer working in a fairly large corporation. Until recently I had a boss which we’ll call Jack that really didn’t like me and was giving me such hard time to the point I was considering quitting. Thankfully Jack was assigned to another team and my new boss is absolutely amazing. Yesterday I was giving a presentation with plans for a mini game we’re making. Jack was there too and actively giving feedback and they were appreciated by me. At the end of the presentation Jack made a very condescending comment where he asked me not to use a specific data type (which clearly I wouldn’t have used and only very inexperienced engineer would make such silly decision) and then laughed. I laughed it off since many coworkers were at the meeting and then I reassured it I wasn’t planning on doing that and he had one…

I’m a female software engineer working in a fairly large corporation. Until recently I had a boss which we’ll call Jack that really didn’t like me and was giving me such hard time to the point I was considering quitting. Thankfully Jack was assigned to another team and my new boss is absolutely amazing. Yesterday I was giving a presentation with plans for a mini game we’re making. Jack was there too and actively giving feedback and they were appreciated by me. At the end of the presentation Jack made a very condescending comment where he asked me not to use a specific data type (which clearly I wouldn’t have used and only very inexperienced engineer would make such silly decision) and then laughed. I laughed it off since many coworkers were at the meeting and then I reassured it I wasn’t planning on doing that and he had one less thing to worry about. That comment was hurtful and condescending, implying that I’m bad at my job in front of my coworkers. I’m thinking to reach out to Jack and very peacefully explain why his comment wasn’t ideal. Should I bother with this or should I just brush it off and forget about it since I no longer report to him?

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