
I’m just so tired

I've been following this subreddit for awhile now and its really eye opening. I am a part time worker in a grocery store deli. Short staffed with people constantly leaving the job and a manager who is very overworked yet constantly tells us off for not being able to get a million things done in a shift. Everyone I work with is exhausted and stressed. I've never had a job where I've multi tasked so much and constantly running around between serving customers, cleaning, cooking and being perpetually stressed that I'm not getting everything done and that I'll hear about it the next day. I'm so tired. Tired of never having enough money to save, or take a vacation. Tired of not feeling qualified enough and most of all, tired of being too tired after work to work on my art and make something out of it. Its out there…

I've been following this subreddit for awhile now and its really eye opening.

I am a part time worker in a grocery store deli. Short staffed with people constantly leaving the job and a manager who is very overworked yet constantly tells us off for not being able to get a million things done in a shift. Everyone I work with is exhausted and stressed. I've never had a job where I've multi tasked so much and constantly running around between serving customers, cleaning, cooking and being perpetually stressed that I'm not getting everything done and that I'll hear about it the next day.

I'm so tired. Tired of never having enough money to save, or take a vacation. Tired of not feeling qualified enough and most of all, tired of being too tired after work to work on my art and make something out of it. Its out there (for privacy purposes I dont feel comfortable sharing it) but I dont have the mental energy to really put my everything into it.

How do you all cope? I try to remind myself that I'm at least lucky to have a place to live and that I have a job to begin with. Prior to it I spent a year trying to find work but for whatever the reason be it pandemic or qualifications I would get interviews but no hiring.

Its so frustrating and I feel so burnt out and then I feel guilty for it because I'm not even full time!


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