
I was Offered a Promotion and a Slap to the Face

So my current boss is unfortunately on his way out the door. I really do enjoy working with him and being his second hand in the business. I've worked directly under him for the last 1.5 years. It's been great, albeit filled with some big downs because of the owners. The owners are a married couple who own a few businesses all in the same field spread throughout the state I'm in. They don't show up often, but when they do, they stand around and make passive aggressive comments about everything. Especially employee wages. None of us make enough to really get by comfortably. We're scraping paycheck to paycheck. ALL of us, even my current boss, which is why he's leaving. I would like to add that I am giving it my all to get us unionized. The owners though….they like to vacation….a lot. Around 8+ expensive trips a year.…

So my current boss is unfortunately on his way out the door. I really do enjoy working with him and being his second hand in the business. I've worked directly under him for the last 1.5 years. It's been great, albeit filled with some big downs because of the owners.

The owners are a married couple who own a few businesses all in the same field spread throughout the state I'm in. They don't show up often, but when they do, they stand around and make passive aggressive comments about everything. Especially employee wages. None of us make enough to really get by comfortably. We're scraping paycheck to paycheck. ALL of us, even my current boss, which is why he's leaving. I would like to add that I am giving it my all to get us unionized.
The owners though….they like to vacation….a lot. Around 8+ expensive trips a year. A mix of in and out of country vacations, most being at least a weeks time. They're what most people call greedy. They don't care if we can't make rent as long as they can vacation.

I'm the next in line to run the store I'm in. Well it's actually two stores (separate businesses, but physically combined) and because of their greed they have half the management staff they should. So in all actuality the job is four managerial roles all wrapped into one. They offered me that promotion. Then a measly $2 raise to go with it. I didn't even have time to counter offer as they were already out the door headed on their next vacation. It was honestly the biggest slap to the face. Their offer is about 40% below the average wage for that job in the area I'm in. Mind you that average wage is for running just one business and having one managerial position.

I don't have any plans on accepting unless they bring their offer up by a ton. I will not be doing four times the work I do now for $2 fricken dollars more an hour. They are out of their minds.


TL;DR: Greedy owners offered me a $2 raise for a massive workload.

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