
Denied FMLA and Employer Leave but approved for State Leave

As the title says – I was denied two and approved for State Leave. I've been out on leave for medical reasons since 6/14, still working with doctors to try and pinpoint what exactly is happening as my symptoms include vomiting, cramps and rapid weight loss (30lbs in a month). Both my primary care doctor and specialist approved me to work from home and i did my due diligence by submitting a request which was denied, even though the role i accepted was advertised as hybrid from the start. I was even accused of making up my symptoms and having fake doctors notes. This morning I received a letter from the director, stating that my job is in jeopardy, etc. I guess my question is, what to do from here?

As the title says – I was denied two and approved for State Leave.

I've been out on leave for medical reasons since 6/14, still working with doctors to try and pinpoint what exactly is happening as my symptoms include vomiting, cramps and rapid weight loss (30lbs in a month).

Both my primary care doctor and specialist approved me to work from home and i did my due diligence by submitting a request which was denied, even though the role i accepted was advertised as hybrid from the start. I was even accused of making up my symptoms and having fake doctors notes.

This morning I received a letter from the director, stating that my job is in jeopardy, etc.

I guess my question is, what to do from here?

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