
Old stories, the usual working in America thing

I think it fits the theme of this sub, and it might be fun to write. Years ago I worked for a rinky dink MSP (IT contractor). They had a real knack for finding managers/directors that would do or say anything that made the owner and his daddy money. When the owner of the company returned from his health trip to cure his sexually transmitted Lyme's disease(I'm not kidding, that was what they owner said he had), things went right in the shitter company culture wise. New policies, new targets, shitty treatment, the usual. I got reprimanded for refusing to drive to client locations for free at the beginning of my day, and the argument came down to my boss literally telling me “everyone has a commute, buddy”. Well, my commute was 2 minutes, so I told him I would be happy to give any of my commute time to…

I think it fits the theme of this sub, and it might be fun to write.

Years ago I worked for a rinky dink MSP (IT contractor). They had a real knack for finding managers/directors that would do or say anything that made the owner and his daddy money.

When the owner of the company returned from his health trip to cure his sexually transmitted Lyme's disease(I'm not kidding, that was what they owner said he had), things went right in the shitter company culture wise. New policies, new targets, shitty treatment, the usual. I got reprimanded for refusing to drive to client locations for free at the beginning of my day, and the argument came down to my boss literally telling me “everyone has a commute, buddy”. Well, my commute was 2 minutes, so I told him I would be happy to give any of my commute time to go to a client in between me and the office(.5 miles) and started looking for a new job. Put in a complaint with the labor department, but I think that went nowhere.

Leaving there was definitely the best decision of my life. I can't say I love my job now, but I do make 4x more just 6 years later. Better yet, I found out that a different manager caused the exodus of the rest of the entire IT department last year when he asked someone “are you letting your family get in the way of your job” when they wouldn't work unscheduled overtime that coincided with their kids sports game. Lol, yeah, that's how that's supposed to work. They sold the tattered remains of their customer base to another company this year. Sometimes bad things do happen to bad people, you just gotta do your part to help, and sometimes that means leaving a bad job.

Hang in there people, hopefully this capitalist hellscape will crumble and people will regain their dignity and the right to live.

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