
I quit my job today :)

It wasn't anything super special or story worthy like other posts here but I'm happy and want to tell someone. I've been working at my job for the past 12 years. I took an apprenticeship there and simply stayed after I was finished. The one problem with that (and everyone always told me that) is that even if you finished your apprenticeship, if you stay in the same company you'll always be “the apprentice”. That was true in many ways, and not so much in others. The last couple of years I grew increasingly unhappy with the job or rather the people. But I didn't want to quit because I had every form of freedom you could imagine. Coming late? No issue. Not coming at all? Just tell us where you've been. Want your overtime payed tax less in cash? Sure thing. Still deep down I knew that's not what…

It wasn't anything super special or story worthy like other posts here but I'm happy and want to tell someone.

I've been working at my job for the past 12 years. I took an apprenticeship there and simply stayed after I was finished. The one problem with that (and everyone always told me that) is that even if you finished your apprenticeship, if you stay in the same company you'll always be “the apprentice”.

That was true in many ways, and not so much in others. The last couple of years I grew increasingly unhappy with the job or rather the people. But I didn't want to quit because I had every form of freedom you could imagine.

Coming late? No issue. Not coming at all? Just tell us where you've been. Want your overtime payed tax less in cash? Sure thing.

Still deep down I knew that's not what I want from life. I want to see and experience new things. So today I finally quit. I was surprised how calm my boss was considering he usually is the biggest hothead I've ever encountered in my life. The entire city knows him as “the angry guy”.

He said he'd still need me for 3 weeks and then I can go. (usually if you quit here and have been working for over 10 years your boss can request a 6 week waiting time) he said that my unused vacation days will be payed with my next paycheck and handed me all my remaining overtime in cash.

I'm almost kinda sad to go since it's all I've ever known but I'll be dammed if I don't progress in life because I didn't take other chances.

Well that's it, just wanted to tell someone šŸ™‚

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