
Area manager said I was to young to become a manager.

Back when I was 18, I worked for Taco Bell. Started when I was 16 in high school. After two years, and graduated, my area manager was in the store, and I thought this was the perfect time to ask about becoming a manager. Now, anyone who has worked in fast food, you know how it is. Two years, same store? That’s rare. Also, during the summer months, I was the one covering shifts at my place, as well as other stores that fell under our area. I learned everything, cashier, line “cook”, inventory, hygiene, there really wasn’t anything in there I didn’t know how to do. By the time this came day car around, it was a completely new team from when I started working there, except for one manager. At 18 I was the second most senior person working there. Anyway, I went to them, and brought up…

Back when I was 18, I worked for Taco Bell. Started when I was 16 in high school. After two years, and graduated, my area manager was in the store, and I thought this was the perfect time to ask about becoming a manager.

Now, anyone who has worked in fast food, you know how it is. Two years, same store? That’s rare. Also, during the summer months, I was the one covering shifts at my place, as well as other stores that fell under our area. I learned everything, cashier, line “cook”, inventory, hygiene, there really wasn’t anything in there I didn’t know how to do. By the time this came day car around, it was a completely new team from when I started working there, except for one manager. At 18 I was the second most senior person working there.

Anyway, I went to them, and brought up the possibility of being a store manager. I basically told them how I’ve been there the longest (showing loyalty) and I’ve learned to basically run the store as is, so I didn’t see why I shouldn’t become one, as I figured I’d be a great asset for them, with my work ethic, and Id become pretty well known to our customers.

I get the usual “oh yeah we will look at it for sure!” And me being the young kid, I took that as “great, they DEFINITELY will take a serious look, and let me know when I can start!”

It took me two hires straight to manager to put 2 and 2 together that I wasn’t gona get it. So I asked them the next time I saw them why not? I was genuinely confused.

That’s when they said it “we just feel like your a little young to be a manger you know? Maybe some more time under your belt and we can look at it again”

One of their hires was 21!
I left. Was still respectful and gave a 2 week notice, but I left.
Now I’m in the military, don’t know who really walked away a winner (JK, love/hate military, vets know what I mean) but man…really hit how they just see teenagers as cheap labor

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