
Am I crazy or does the whole system we deal with only survive because enough people just deal with it

The whole system is so vulnerable but people aren’t organized enough to make it any different. It’s all just a choice at the end of the day. The whole system could be brought to its knees if ENOUGH people really cared enough. What would happen if no one showed up for work tomorrow? I mean 10s of millions. Not 100 people on a mini strike that go back to work after getting a $1 an hour raise. What would happen if everyone just decided that we are going to start doing a 4 day work week? We’d probably get it within a few weeks if enough people were organized. It’s crazy how dependent the rich and higher ups are on us making the decision every day to show up. This is just an example. But it applies to so many things that we just deal with. People just accept these…

The whole system is so vulnerable but people aren’t organized enough to make it any different. It’s all just a choice at the end of the day. The whole system could be brought to its knees if ENOUGH people really cared enough. What would happen if no one showed up for work tomorrow? I mean 10s of millions. Not 100 people on a mini strike that go back to work after getting a $1 an hour raise. What would happen if everyone just decided that we are going to start doing a 4 day work week? We’d probably get it within a few weeks if enough people were organized. It’s crazy how dependent the rich and higher ups are on us making the decision every day to show up.

This is just an example. But it applies to so many things that we just deal with.

People just accept these societal norms. But it really could be up to us. Anything you want to change about work culture could be changed immediately with enough organization. It wouldn’t have to take 50 years to get to a 4 day work week or get pay back to a level that can support a household like the good old days we hear about. The pay/cost of living ratio has never been worse. It’s fear unfortunately. The fear element that keeps people from making a change or of losing their job or having repercussions is only because enough people aren’t involved. If everyone did it then there couldn’t be repercussions.

This is a stupid rant I get it I just have been randomly realizing more and more how vulnerable things could be and how much could improve. The whole system relies on complacency and just enough people not giving a fuck and dealing with it.

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