
The craziest job interview ever.

I’ve been looking for a new job. My company sucks and I’m ready to jump ship. I work in tech, but I’m a major account executive. I took an interview with another tech company that reached out to me. They asked what time worked for me and I said 10am. *this is relevant to the story Before the interview I look the company up. They have absolutely terrible employee reviews. People are under paid, over worked, miserable. So I decide it’s not the place for me and I immediately email the gentleman ‘B’ I am interviewing with and say I’m going to pass on the opportunity.. thank you for your consideration.. blah blah. About an hour later, 9:03am my time, I get a phone call. It’s B, he said “we had set an interview at 10am and you were not on the call” in an annoyed and rude tone. I…

I’ve been looking for a new job. My company sucks and I’m ready to jump ship. I work in tech, but I’m a major account executive. I took an interview with another tech company that reached out to me. They asked what time worked for me and I said 10am. *this is relevant to the story

Before the interview I look the company up. They have absolutely terrible employee reviews. People are under paid, over worked, miserable. So I decide it’s not the place for me and I immediately email the gentleman ‘B’ I am interviewing with and say I’m going to pass on the opportunity.. thank you for your consideration.. blah blah.

About an hour later, 9:03am my time, I get a phone call. It’s B, he said “we had set an interview at 10am and you were not on the call” in an annoyed and rude tone. I replied by reminding him that he asked what time worked for me, and that time was 10am. I’m not sure why he assumed I would be talking about 10am his time. I also let him know I emailed him prior letting him know I was going to pass on the opportunity. He asked why – I told him what I had read.

Y’all. I was not prepared for the absolute hell storm that was about to head my way.

B starts getting frustrated saying that “not everything you read on the internet is true! You can’t trust disgruntled employees. You don’t know what you’re talking about” and so much more crazy. I was taken aback. Told him thanks for your time and hung up.

Not even five minutes later the B sends me an email saying that the position was filled and I didn’t meet the qualifications. Lmfao.

In the week since I declined the interview B has sent me email after email with screen shots and links to positive reviews. Seemingly trying to ‘prove me wrong.’

This isn’t a small company. They have thousands of employees. Tf lol

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