
Ex Employee who worked for Mormons LDS

Hi, I’ve never been a part of the Mormon (LDS) church, but I worked for Mormons and found out they operated in a hostile work environment and are committing large scale tax fraud/evasion (in at least the low millions maybe high millions) over the course of the 4 years I worked for them. Once it become clear that I the lowly file clerk understood what was occurring, they turned on me creating even more hostile environment trying to get me to quit and eventually I mentally broke down and quit. Since then I have not been able to get employment and have been affectively blacklisted from attaining employment in my small town. I went to the local police and unemployment office to try and get aid in properly filing a grievance/complaint/something, but it turns out that the local police and unemployment office, in fact most of the local government including…

Hi, I’ve never been a part of the Mormon (LDS) church, but I worked for Mormons and found out they operated in a hostile work environment and are committing large scale tax fraud/evasion (in at least the low millions maybe high millions) over the course of the 4 years I worked for them.

Once it become clear that I the lowly file clerk understood what was occurring, they turned on me creating even more hostile environment trying to get me to quit and eventually I mentally broke down and quit. Since then I have not been able to get employment and have been affectively blacklisted from attaining employment in my small town.

I went to the local police and unemployment office to try and get aid in properly filing a grievance/complaint/something, but it turns out that the local police and unemployment office, in fact most of the local government including the mayor, are staffed by LDS members or those affiliated with them through business.

Now, when I go to the local stores, seemly random people will intensely stare at me in a notable and judgmental way. I’ve also noticed the same cars following me around town. Then I discovered that my DNS request were being hijacked which was then something I had to learn about because I can’t afford computer experts like my ex employers can.

I remember the police officer I spoke to said, “Hey everyone hates paying taxes. I had to pay a lot in taxes. Just go back and talk to the HR and straighten everything out.” He also mentioned that the family I worked for is an old family with deep roots in the town. Yet, the HR department is literally the CEO who is or was a bishop for the Mormon church and is literally the bully. His suggestion made no sense.

I do not know what to do. I’ve been basically bullied into staying home for a year now through mental abuse and ostracization. My family thinks I’m just losing my mind and can’t see past my ex employer’s smiles and niceties.

I also may be on the high end of the autistic spectrum, so I apologize if my thoughts appear disorganized. I would just like to be able to go out and get employment again so I can move somewhere else. I am working on a Masters in Rhetoric and am a very good student and would also like to go back to college, but have come to a stop because I can’t afford it anymore.

Thank you for reading.

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