
Learned my lesson today

I was offered a new position within the company (promotion) which i verbally accepted 2 months ago, on the 3rd of June. I’ve been taking on the extra responsibilities since week 2. Every week they kept telling me that they will send the official offer letter this week. Rest assured i will be back paid. Time has passed and now i received the new job description but still no offer letter. However now HR insist on back paying me from the 9th of July, because that’s when they think i started picking up more responsibilities. I know, it was my fault that i agreed to do any extra work without having the official offer letter in my hand, so lesson learned. I wonder if me verbally accepting the promotion counts as a contract that can be legally enforced.

I was offered a new position within the company (promotion) which i verbally accepted 2 months ago, on the 3rd of June. I’ve been taking on the extra responsibilities since week 2. Every week they kept telling me that they will send the official offer letter this week. Rest assured i will be back paid. Time has passed and now i received the new job description but still no offer letter. However now HR insist on back paying me from the 9th of July, because that’s when they think i started picking up more responsibilities.
I know, it was my fault that i agreed to do any extra work without having the official offer letter in my hand, so lesson learned.
I wonder if me verbally accepting the promotion counts as a contract that can be legally enforced.

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