
Quitting a job that known for letting you go that day even if you try and give notice. Advise needed.

My current employer is well known for letting people go the minute they put in their two week notice. I plan to quit tomorrow, because I just (literally today) got hired in a new job and they want me to start Monday (not really flexible on this- it’s a teaching job and school starts Monday!!) How do I quit and make sure they don’t actually want me to work my full 2 weeks? Say, “I quit and today is my last day”???? I’ve been there two years as of next week, professional office, dumpster fire of a management team but my direct boss is okay. Other important detail- my immediate boss is getting married Saturday and my quitting will put him in a lurch Monday, but I don’t want to stress him out the day before his wedding and put a cloud over the weekend. On the other hand I…

My current employer is well known for letting people go the minute they put in their two week notice. I plan to quit tomorrow, because I just (literally today) got hired in a new job and they want me to start Monday (not really flexible on this- it’s a teaching job and school starts Monday!!) How do I quit and make sure they don’t actually want me to work my full 2 weeks? Say, “I quit and today is my last day”???? I’ve been there two years as of next week, professional office, dumpster fire of a management team but my direct boss is okay. Other important detail- my immediate boss is getting married Saturday and my quitting will put him in a lurch Monday, but I don’t want to stress him out the day before his wedding and put a cloud over the weekend. On the other hand I don’t owe the company anything because they don’t look out for me at all. Help!

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