
Boss refused to pay us for work we did, should we unionize or should we sue?

So I work in a pretty specialized field where the jobs come sporadically but are high paying. Every job is important to making sure I can pay my bills and I do my job well. So, as usual, I'm hired by so and so. I show up on the day of the job and follow every instruction. Pull the gun on the teller, put the money in the bag, no one move no one gets hurt, etc. I do the job well. Myself, 3 others (including a professional driver), and the Boss finish for the day and head out. We get to our offices and my boss REFUSES to give me my pay for the day. He doesn't give anyone their pay and says we should be happy that's all we're getting. We're all obviously pissed and trying to figure out next steps. We contacted the police about not getting…

So I work in a pretty specialized field where the jobs come sporadically but are high paying. Every job is important to making sure I can pay my bills and I do my job well.

So, as usual, I'm hired by so and so. I show up on the day of the job and follow every instruction. Pull the gun on the teller, put the money in the bag, no one move no one gets hurt, etc. I do the job well. Myself, 3 others (including a professional driver), and the Boss finish for the day and head out.

We get to our offices and my boss REFUSES to give me my pay for the day. He doesn't give anyone their pay and says we should be happy that's all we're getting. We're all obviously pissed and trying to figure out next steps. We contacted the police about not getting paid and they are sending some people over to help deal with it. Should we contact some lawyers about unionizing or about suing for missing wages? I really need to get paid and I did the work, so I deserve my money.

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