
How to deal with bad training at work ?

I’ve been at this new job now for almost two months they are still giving me new duties and training me. However, most people live in other states so we are training via FaceTime or pictures ? It’s ruining my quality of work by training like this and to be honest I’m losing patience. One because I take my job seriously and I don’t want it to affect my quality of work. I just can’t seem to learn like this and to be honest I find myself having to go on YouTube or Google things on how to do my job properly. I hate to complain being so new so I’m trying my best here but I’m losing my mind. I’m not able to hop over my cubicle and ask my co-worker for help and it does suck because it makes it harder for me especially during this stage of…

I’ve been at this new job now for almost two months they are still giving me new duties and training me. However, most people live in other states so we are training via FaceTime or pictures ?

It’s ruining my quality of work by training like this and to be honest I’m losing patience. One because I take my job seriously and I don’t want it to affect my quality of work. I just can’t seem to learn like this and to be honest I find myself having to go on YouTube or Google things on how to do my job properly. I hate to complain being so new so I’m trying my best here but I’m losing my mind.

I’m not able to hop over my cubicle and ask my co-worker for help and it does suck because it makes it harder for me especially during this stage of being a new employee. No one here really seems to care about there job so I guess maybe I’m just over reacting ?

My manager doesn’t really know much he’s the son to the owner and his dad gifted him the company. So when I ask him for help he tells me to ask someone else..

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