
Gearing up for an exit from a toxic workplace, go out loud, quietly, or middle of the road

I have been working a corporate office job for the past 3 years. For the most part I enjoyed the company and environment, but sadly it has become a toxic cesspit over the past 6 months. It all began with a corporate “transformation” to “modernize” our department. At first they only spoke of it briefly and we all just assumed it was a useless corporate exercise allowing high level executives to get high on their own farts and us peons paid it no mind. But suddenly in March, we found out that while this “transformation” would not lead to job cuts it would mean all of our current teams would be destroyed, outsiders from the department would take the helm, managers with bad reputations would be made the head of the new teams, and you would essentially have to be bid on newly created positions as the old positions would…

I have been working a corporate office job for the past 3 years. For the most part I enjoyed the company and environment, but sadly it has become a toxic cesspit over the past 6 months.

It all began with a corporate “transformation” to “modernize” our department. At first they only spoke of it briefly and we all just assumed it was a useless corporate exercise allowing high level executives to get high on their own farts and us peons paid it no mind.

But suddenly in March, we found out that while this “transformation” would not lead to job cuts it would mean all of our current teams would be destroyed, outsiders from the department would take the helm, managers with bad reputations would be made the head of the new teams, and you would essentially have to be bid on newly created positions as the old positions would no longer exist.

Some people were placed in these “new” positions automatically. But when we had the audacity of discussing the new pay structure and criticize the new management team structure we all were pulled into a meeting where we were berated like children for daring to speak about the changes effecting us.

I made the mistake of believing the bullshit that we were encouraged to speak our minds and ended up being written up for being “disrespectful” for calling the manager on her bullshit attempt to silence us.

We had an “anonymous” survey to tell management “confidentially” how we felt about the company and in the most generic, but professional way I tore them a new one.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago and suddenly my manager is getting anonymous complaints about me being on my cell phone too much. Never mind I am getting my tasks done. Never mind I do ask my coworkers if they need help on occasion. Never mind my coworkers are on their phones too. Never mind we have a “transformation” going on, the cardinal sin of me being on my phone must be addressed.

I’m told that there is no reason why I should not be “busy” since our team is short staffed. I am advised to take on more work, reach out to my own team and another team and take on their work as well to be “busy.”

Fast forward to today I have taken on my workload, tasks from my coworkers and I have emailed my team religiously if they need assistance.

I get a call from my manager and apparently another anonymous complaint has come in about my cell phone usage. This time from a “higher level person.” Never mind all the extra work I have taken on and have receipts for. None of that matters. My sin of using my phone “too much” is so grave and also I didn’t email the other team like I was instructed to and ask them for work. So apparently, all my other efforts are chop liver due to me not doing that.

Thankfully I have a weekend job and they have offered me a full time schedule starting next week. My plan is to start the new job, use up my sick time at my toxic job and then drop the toxic job like a hot potato. No notice, nothing.

That said, I am considering writing an email to the CEO to provide an exit interview of sorts to him telling him the good of the company but also informing him of the petty obsession people have with my phone usage when we have a transformation going on.

Not sure if I should do that, or just drop off my equipment, send a goodbye text to my manager and then block her. What do you guys think?

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