
Mass Quitting Proposition

I am new to Antiwork, and something in me wants to spark a mass quitting. I would quit first… I would quit my job as soon as possible (in support of the ideals set forth in this group… as a means of protesting shitty work conditions, etc). I will also PROVE that I quit once things heat up. I personally have a good job, but I honestly hate going and have at least some savings and August's/ September's rent already paid. So essentially, we all strike (NON-violently, of course) in solidarity and protest against an UNREGULATED system with non livable wages, poor work life balance, and poor PTO/ maternity leave/ sick day offerings/ insufficient healthcare coverage from jobs/ CEO to worker salary disparities/ toxic and abusive bosses. In protest of all of these things, we quit our jobs collectively. Of course, this post may not stick at this time as…

I am new to Antiwork, and something in me wants to spark a mass quitting.

I would quit first… I would quit my job as soon as possible (in support of the ideals set forth in this group… as a means of protesting shitty work conditions, etc). I will also PROVE that I quit once things heat up. I personally have a good job, but I honestly hate going and have at least some savings and August's/ September's rent already paid.

So essentially, we all strike (NON-violently, of course) in solidarity and protest against an UNREGULATED system with non livable wages, poor work life balance, and poor PTO/ maternity leave/ sick day offerings/ insufficient healthcare coverage from jobs/ CEO to worker salary disparities/ toxic and abusive bosses.

In protest of all of these things, we quit our jobs collectively. Of course, this post may not stick at this time as I am a new redditor with a limited post/karma history. I am calling upon you sirs/ma'ams to potentially please shed light on this idea in the group.

Sending you my best wishes and tell me what you think. I understand that it is drastic and that everyone's situation is totally different, but if we really want change we have to make a decision to stand up.

Be well and I hope to hear from you again soon.

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