
In a union I wasn’t told about…

So I work at a supermarket chain and recently found out I was entered into their union upon being hired….fine with me I guess, still just would’ve appreciated them telling me this. Anyway, I am getting a deduction on every single paycheck, this comes out to about $75 a month just going to this union. I asked about it today, and the manager told me it’s for “dental, eyewear, health stuff like that” and then I said “I’m not getting any of that, I’m a part-time worker, I have contacts to pay for that I’m paying for out of pocket” and she just shrugged at me and left. Soooo I just need help since I don’t know enough about all of this, but why am I losing a significant amount of money each month if I’m getting none of the union benefits? Do I need to be a full time…

So I work at a supermarket chain and recently found out I was entered into their union upon being hired….fine with me I guess, still just would’ve appreciated them telling me this. Anyway, I am getting a deduction on every single paycheck, this comes out to about $75 a month just going to this union. I asked about it today, and the manager told me it’s for “dental, eyewear, health stuff like that” and then I said “I’m not getting any of that, I’m a part-time worker, I have contacts to pay for that I’m paying for out of pocket” and she just shrugged at me and left. Soooo I just need help since I don’t know enough about all of this, but why am I losing a significant amount of money each month if I’m getting none of the union benefits? Do I need to be a full time employee for this? If so, why bother with part-time workers forced to be in a union they’re getting nothing from when others are? I’m just generally confused and annoyed because there is nobody there I can ask this without them getting upset with me. Thanks!

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