
Left Job With Bad Working Conditions

Gonna start this off by saying I live in Florida, where it’s been 100 degrees the entire summer and humidity is at 100% all the time. I work in a kitchen with no A/C, meaning it’s 92-95 degrees every shift (and that’s not accounting for the constant waves of heat I got hit from opening the ovens). I take medicine that makes me susceptible to dehydration and I’ve been struggling to stay hydrated. I decided that my health wasn’t worth it and I was gonna quit since upper management has shown no care in fixing the ac (there are some other reasons but this is a big one). I was gonna quit in person, but I got really dehydrated last night from work and wasn’t gonna be able to make it to my shift today. I called my work to let them know that I was dehydrated and not gonna…

Gonna start this off by saying I live in Florida, where it’s been 100 degrees the entire summer and humidity is at 100% all the time. I work in a kitchen with no A/C, meaning it’s 92-95 degrees every shift (and that’s not accounting for the constant waves of heat I got hit from opening the ovens). I take medicine that makes me susceptible to dehydration and I’ve been struggling to stay hydrated.

I decided that my health wasn’t worth it and I was gonna quit since upper management has shown no care in fixing the ac (there are some other reasons but this is a big one). I was gonna quit in person, but I got really dehydrated last night from work and wasn’t gonna be able to make it to my shift today. I called my work to let them know that I was dehydrated and not gonna be able to make it in. My boss’ response was that I needed to call out three hours before my shift and I needed to be there today. I quit right there over the phone.

I had already assumed that they didn’t care about me as an employee (even though I ran the kitchen by myself and did way more work than I got paid for) but this just confirmed it. It’s funny how they treat employees like shit and then wonder why nobody stays.

Edit: format

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