
Am I out of line for wanting more time with family and to feel more appreciated?

DISCLAIMER: I HAD TO RANT A LITTLE I work at a moving company and have been for a little over 3 years now, I work 6 days a week and in the summer it can get to 12 to 14 hour days and once in awhile a 16 hour day. You only get 1 week PTO your first and second year, then your third and fourth year you get 2 weeks PTO. Management knows they can't afford to lose their long term employees if they can help it especially in the summer as most new hires quit once they realize the sheer chaos and turmoil of the job or they just aren't able to pull their weight or learn quick enough so get pampered til they quit or are fired upon assessment from the senior employees. What I am getting to is I only request off no more than 1…


I work at a moving company and have been for a little over 3 years now, I work 6 days a week and in the summer it can get to 12 to 14 hour days and once in awhile a 16 hour day. You only get 1 week PTO your first and second year, then your third and fourth year you get 2 weeks PTO.

Management knows they can't afford to lose their long term employees if they can help it especially in the summer as most new hires quit once they realize the sheer chaos and turmoil of the job or they just aren't able to pull their weight or learn quick enough so get pampered til they quit or are fired upon assessment from the senior employees. What I am getting to is I only request off no more than 1 week in October and other than that if I do it is for one or 2 days because my wife has asked me to ahead of time for important family matters or events.

That being said I gave a little over 2 weeks in advance for a request off for one damn day and they told me since I wasn't the first out of 2 they say they “always approve” in line for it so i can't be guaranteed it; which is more understandable if they didn't have a whole week and a half in mid July where they gave 5 guys off for a whole week and then some. We also had a setup where we would work only 5 days a week in our busy season (summer) but one of the managers changed it to only 2 Mondays in the busy season do we have set off and the rest our 6 days and before this ordeal we had a meeting to tell us they are going to accommodate all the guys that requested off in July but the rest of us had to work without the Mondays off all July….(we did this so far in August as well without good reason) Mind you this is all so we can meet those sales goals to get a bonus that I guarantee barely any of the actual men in manual labor care for anymore considering the tradeoff of work we put in to split a pool of money that only totals to 200-400 for each guy on one paycheck for the quarter we make that goal….the business isn't dying we charge $200 an hour for 2 men with 1 truck and don't even see 10 percent of that in our hourly wages..

Am I being dramatic for wanting to give my 2 weeks notice to quit because I know if I call in they'll write me up for it even though the other guys they gave off to have already had time off in July as well????

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